Friday, January 15, 2016

Thor starts a bank and Mom goes off to school

This is Thor Boberg and a granddaughter;
I think this is AnnCathrine. The full photo
comes at the end of this post :)
In Linköpking they had opened a bank called Jordbrukskassan. Loosely translated, that's Agriculture Credit. Dad was very interested in this and he had gone to several meetings promoting this. He wanted to start a branch in Kisa. He rented a meeting room at Centralförenginen where I worked at the time. This is a meeting room that was usually used for my boss to meet with customers and such. But instead, every Friday, Dad was in there with his bank and farmers came in to borrow money. They got loans for less interest than what any other bank would do. The only thing was that Dad was not really good with bookkeeping and so forth, so when my office closed at 5, I would go into Dad and help him with the bookkeeping and balancing his books. This went on for quite a while. Dad was really successful with this, and they were so proud of him at Jordbrukskassa in Linköping that they wanted to make it a daily bank. Of course, then they needed a new location, and Dad couldn't run it all, but he was determined that I was going to go there and work in that bank, and I did not
Jordbrukskassan handed out 
elephant-shaped piggy banks.
want to. I had decided that I really wanted to have a career working with children. Dad was disappointed that I didn't want to go into the banking business, but he had made up his mind long before that he was never going to make his kids do something with their lives that they didn't want to. When he was young, he hadn't gotten to choose, and so he didn't get to do what he wanted to do in life.
The tagged spot here is Västervik.
Well, I had found a nursing school in Västervik. The Red Cross had a home for children whose parents, one or both, had TB. It was about 7 kilometers outside of Västervik, along the water of Gamlabyviken which is an inlet from the Baltic Sea. There was a pine forest up near this home and it was supposedly really healthy air right there. I wanted to go there and work. Then our pastor had told Dad that our church had scholarships for kids who wanted to go to advanced kinds of schools and he thought I should apply. Dad told me this so I applied and I got a scholarship.

So, I went off to this school.
Sitting on the floor, left to right: Birgitta, Gunilla, Thorbjörn and Ingalena
Sitting on the couch: Sara, Gun, Elin holding Christina (I think), Thor holding AnnCathrine (I think), Margaretha, and Brita.
Standing: Ingemar, Lennart's girlfriend at the time (?), Lennart, Astor, and Henrik.

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