Thursday, July 26, 2018

Margaretha and Astor, Lennart and Annika

Well, then there was me. I never did like boys too much. They could be
Margaretha and Astor
good friends but if they tried to get serious, that was the end of it. I wasn't ready for that. Maybe God had other plans for me in California. Both Sara and Margaretha were married in the Kisa church and the custom then was to have a dinner afterwards in the bride's home. I took my vacations from work so I could be home and help get ready for both those weddings. I said over and over at that time that when I got married I was going to run away because this was too much work. Then when I got married here in California, Margaretha wrote, "You always said you were going to run away, but did you have to run so far?"
Margaretha and Astor
And then Margaretha. I don't think she ever really looked at anyone but Astor. Dad liked him well enough but he said they couldn't get married until Margaretha had an occupation and she had to work at it for a whole year before they could get married. Dad believed that everyone needed to know their own mind a bit. So Margaretha went to Linköping and went to beauty college. This fit Margaretha really well because she'd always had an eye for what looked good, and she had such a way of arranging simple things and making them look really nice. She lived with Hildegarde and Midi at the time.
Well, Farbror Folke didn't agree with this at all. He said it was sinful to focus on beauty. He tried and tried to talk her into quitting but Margaretha was determined. When she got through with beauty college, Dad helped her and she bought a place in Linköping. It was an apartment where there was a beauty
Margaretha doing Annika's hair
parlor at one end and living quarters at the other. I was working in Linköping at the time so I would go and visit her and she would come and visit me. When the year was up, they got married. Lennart and I were in on the ceremony as bridesmaid and groomsman. Then she sold the beauty parlor and she would fix hair for the neighbor ladies, Ingrid Davidson, Ingrid i Gräsvidra, Karin i Björndahl and others. They came and had their hair fixed at her place. Margaretha did well. She and Astor had three kids, AnnCathrine, Helene and PerAnders. When Astor got sick and he couldn't keep on farming anymore, they bought a beauty parlor in Valdemarsvik and moved there. Margaretha kept on there until she retired. She still lives in Valdemarsvik. It's been great fun to take the kids and family there to see them through the years.
Lennart and Annika's wedding
And then comes Lennart. He wanted to go into the military too, but Mama cried and cried and cried and cried. But Dad, he said, "Let the boy go." Dad remembered that he didn't get to do what he wanted to when he was young. So Lennart went into the Air Force and he learned to work on fine instruments. He also went to school some that way. Lennart had a couple of girlfriends but nothing serious. It just never felt right until he found Annika. Then he said to me, "This is It!" We were all happy he found Annika and then they had two boys, Magnus and Henrik.
The Boberg kids -- Sara, Gun, Brita, Lennart and Margaretha, Midsommar 1990

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Sara and Ingemar

Then there was Sara. For a while she dated Arne, Astor's brother, but they were just like two opposites, nothing alike, completely different characters. Arne was a little... well ... uppity, I'd guess we'd say. He thought he was a bit better than most. Sara was just the opposite. Arne became a policeman and against the regular rule, he got a job in Kisa. It's been said that a prophet is not welcome in his hometown and I think Arne experienced that many times. They called him Fixarn. He was so distant with people who he had known all his life. One time he caught NilsErik i Groende riding home on his bicycle and he didn't have a light on the bike. Arne pulled out his notebook and said, "Name? Address? Parents' names?" Arne knew all of this as well as he knew his own. Needless to say, he didn't gain popularity. But he later found a nice girl and got married.
Sara and Ingemar leaving Kisa Kyrka, newly married :)
But back to Sara. She met Ingemar Bäck and they got on so well. He proposed and she said yes and asked Margaretha and I to be bridesmaids. Sara and Ingemar were lots of fun together, and they had two kids, Thorbjörn and Ingalena.
Ingalena and Thorbjörn
But to go back closer to the beginning, Sara worked in the hospital like Brita did but she never took to it in the same way. We had an agreement between us girls that at least one of us had to be at home to help Mother. She wasn't strong enough to handle the farm all by herself, even though she had a pump in the kitchen now to pump water. Well, I've told you about when Margaretha and I worked in Kisa and we would get up and do chores and ride bicycles to work and then do it the other way around at the end of the day. Someone in later years sent me a poem written about Kisa and in that poem, it says, "Here come the Boberg girls flying down Hageborsbacken, holding on their skirts with one hand and the handlebars with the other." I thought this was a pretty good description because of course, we couldn't wear pants to work; we had to wear dresses and when you're coming downhill at a pretty good speed, it's easy for the skirt to fly up, and that couldn't be allowed, so we had to hold on. When winter came, this wasn't so easy, but then Sara was ready to come home. She had started to date Ingemar and it was all going really well. They got on so well and were talking about getting married. She thought if she was home she could work on her trousseau. Then Margaretha and I rented a room in Kisa for the winter.
Well, Sara now, when she worked at the hospital, she got acquainted with several girls who were friends of Brita's. One was named Inga; she married Folke i Sör. They had a farm in Smasjö for a while and when they retired from there, they moved to Mjölby, so they saw Sara and Ingemar a lot after they were married. One time when Sara went to visit, Folke sent a candleholder to me. It's shaped like a girl who holds two candles and her head was like a bluebell so we used to call her the bluebell girl.
There was one little mishap when Sara was married. For some reason, Hugo didn't get invited. He sent a telegram saying, "Hurrah för brudgrum! Hurrah för bruden! Jag hade kommit men blir ej bjuden." ("Hurray for the groom! Hurray for the bride! I would have come but wasn't invited.")
First when Sara and Ingemar were married, they farmed Ingemar's homeplace, Rankulla i VästraEneby. We knew Ingemar well. He belonged to the church youth group in Västra  Eneby, and Västra Eneby and Kisa were sister churches. We went together in lots of things. Ingemar also belonged to the same political youth group we did, so we were glad when he and Sara started to look at each other. He was a great brother-in-law, kind and generous, always jolly and able to make every day things fun. Sara and Ingemar had a neighbor named Petterson, and Ingemar had so many funny stories about this neighbor. Every time something new was invented, he came over to Sara and Ingemar's and said, "Tenk va menska kan göre." This was "Think what people can do" but in a sort of uneducated Swedish. For years, Ingemar would repeat this sentence in this accent. He taught Elizabeth how to say it when we were home when she was nine years old, and she'd come out with it in California at different times.
Left to right, this is Mom's mother Elin, Ingalena, Alma Johnson, Sara, Ingemar, Mom's father Thor and Thorbjörn.  I'm assuming this was taken outside of Sara and Ingemar's house at the time but I don't know for sure. Someone can let me know? :)
Well, as time went along, they wanted to buy a farm in the parish of Åsbo that was called Östemo. Unfortunately after a few years at Östemo, Ingemar developed back problems and the doctor told him if he didn't stop driving the tractor he'd never get well again. Thorbjörn wasn't old enough to do that work, so they bought a house in Mjölby where they lived for years and years. Ingemar began to work for the forest service. Last year, Sara and Ingemar traded with their grandson CarlAdam Wittbeck. They moved into his apartment and they're now very comfortable.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Brita and Henrik

Now I want to tell you a bit about my siblings and friends and what happened to them in their lives. I'll start with Brita. She had always said that she would never marry a guy younger than her. As it turned out, she married Henrik i Herrefall and he was two years younger than her, two and a half I believe. 
As a teenager, Brita went to work at the hospital in Kisa. She loved that work and just took to it. She stayed with nursing all her life. Henrik went into the military. It was during the war and boys in Sweden could sign up for four years. Then along with their military service, they got education. It was about equivalent to junior college. Henrik signed up for this. 
Left to right, this is Gunilla, Mom, Brita, Birgitta and Henrik.
While he was still in the service, Brita and Henrik were going to be married and right then, Henrik was shipped up to the Norwegian coast. The Germans were all over Norway. Well, Henrik didn't know if he was going to make it home to the wedding or not, but his supervisor heard he was supposed to get married so he sent him home for a week. Brita and Henrik were married in St. Lars Church in Linköping and then afterwards we had a dinner, just the two families, in a restaurant. 
Brita kept working in the hospital and when Henrik came back from the military, he started working in the post office. He worked his way up to being a supervisor. They had three girls, Birgitta, Gunilla and Christina. I worked in Linköping at the time so I could be with them a lot, all my days off and such. Those three girls were so special.
This is Gunilla, Christina and Birgitta with Alma Johnson. She and Thor visited Sweden because Thor and Mom's Dad Thor were first cousins.