Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Brita and Henrik

Now I want to tell you a bit about my siblings and friends and what happened to them in their lives. I'll start with Brita. She had always said that she would never marry a guy younger than her. As it turned out, she married Henrik i Herrefall and he was two years younger than her, two and a half I believe. 
As a teenager, Brita went to work at the hospital in Kisa. She loved that work and just took to it. She stayed with nursing all her life. Henrik went into the military. It was during the war and boys in Sweden could sign up for four years. Then along with their military service, they got education. It was about equivalent to junior college. Henrik signed up for this. 
Left to right, this is Gunilla, Mom, Brita, Birgitta and Henrik.
While he was still in the service, Brita and Henrik were going to be married and right then, Henrik was shipped up to the Norwegian coast. The Germans were all over Norway. Well, Henrik didn't know if he was going to make it home to the wedding or not, but his supervisor heard he was supposed to get married so he sent him home for a week. Brita and Henrik were married in St. Lars Church in Linköping and then afterwards we had a dinner, just the two families, in a restaurant. 
Brita kept working in the hospital and when Henrik came back from the military, he started working in the post office. He worked his way up to being a supervisor. They had three girls, Birgitta, Gunilla and Christina. I worked in Linköping at the time so I could be with them a lot, all my days off and such. Those three girls were so special.
This is Gunilla, Christina and Birgitta with Alma Johnson. She and Thor visited Sweden because Thor and Mom's Dad Thor were first cousins. 

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