Friday, July 4, 2014

Herrefall and the lake farms

This is a photo from Birgitta's baptism. Standing, left to
right, are Hildegard, Midi, Elin, Thor, Brita, Henrik, Axel
and Adla. Sitting down, left to right, are Margaretha,
Mom, Ingrid (I think) and Rut, Henrik's sisters.
"Going the way the road goes now, we come next to Herrefall. That was a torp under Mellangården. When we were little, there lived Axel and Adla. They had several kids. The oldest was Henrik, and he married my sister Brita. Then was Greta. She was a year older than me, but I started school a year early, so she was in my class. Then there were twins, Rut and Carl-Axel. Rut was a real do-er and over-bearing type of person and Carl-Axel was really scrawny and skinny kid but Rut she looked after him wherever they went. Then there was Gunnar and Ingrid.
If you went up along that road, you came to Grönede, but there was a road over to Kisa along the lower part of Lake Föllingen and there was another lake named Glymmingen and next to that lake there was a little torp named Grönebo. I don’t remember too much about the people there. The kids were all younger than us. There was a girl named Avor and there was a boy there too. If you went further around that lake, you came to a torp called Grönliv. That was a torp under Grönede, I guess. There lived a man named Nilsson. His wife was
Sofie, sitting on the porch at Ulvhäll in 2002
Hannah. They had kids; Gösta was the oldest. Their daughter Brita was a couple years older than me but she had to stay back in school and since I started early, she was in my class. They had a boy named Kurt. He was the same age as me, born on the same day, but he was in Margaretha’s class because they weren’t too swift, these kids. There was also a girl named Göta and one named Karin. Then a little further over, you came to Boos. There were two small farms there. In one lived Otto and Cecelia and they had one girl, Ingrid. And I will talk more about Ingrid as time goes on. In the other farm, there was a man named Arvid. His mother lived with him. Arvid was never married.
The playhouse at Ulvhäll in 2002 with Sofie and Amanda.
Then down by the lake, there were several summer homes. On our side of the property, they bought property from my dad. It was called Ulvhäll. Sara and Ingemar now own Ulvhäll. They bought it. Also on our side, there was a torp that belonged to Farfar. That was called Mostugan. There lived an old man named Johan and he had a housekeeper named Clara. Then after you went over the bridge, you came to a farm named Sundsnäs. There were two farms in Sundsnäs. The kids from there came to Kjettestorp school. By the upper side of Föllingen, there was a farm named Ulvingebo. There lived a girl named Gertrude who was in my class.

Henrik Johansson Kindeskog, 1942
Also by Lower Föllingen, there was a farm called Sandshult. There was a boy who lived there who was called Sixten Färnström. Sixten didn’t come to Kjettestorp School. He went to Kisa, but he was the same age as Henrik i Herrefall; I think 
  they were confirmed
Sixten Färnström, 1941
at the same time. He would come along with Henrik. He was kind of by himself otherwise. There were no other young people right in his area. Sixten played accordion and he and Henrik were friends.
That's pretty much all I remember about what the neighborhood around Kjettestorp was like when I was a kid."

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